
Work Package 0: Project management


Project & data management, communication and dissemination


Project management (technical and financial), management activities, achievement of working group activities, achievement of Consortium, data use agreement, control of final editing activities. Organisation of the internal & external project communication in order to facilitate information exchange between project partners, relevant industry, research communities, public stakeholders. To promote the use and commercialisation of the new findings, mineral prospectivity and environmental risk assessment maps and applications resulting from the project. The WP0 brings together the management, communication & dissemination tasks and the
co-ordination of the Data Management Plan to keep a clear vision of the progress of the project.

Task 0.1 - Project management, lead: E. Gloaguen, BRGM

Task 0.2 - Data Management Plan, lead: E. Gloaguen, BRGM

Task 0.3 - Communication and dissemination, lead: E. Gloaguen, BRGM


WP0 leader: Eric Gloaguen (BRGM)