Sandstones in Brittany



Instituto de Geología Aplicada Almaden, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha


IGeA-UCLM partner will coordinate the Workpackage 2 - Surface processes that control the mobilisation and transfer of metalloids and metals. The experience of this team in this type of studies, concerning potentially toxic elements released in the context of mining activity, has been demonstrated with the publication of more than 50 SCI papers, concerning elements such as Hg, Pb and related elements, Tl and related elements, in Spain, Italy, Romania, Chile and Bolivia. This experience includes not only the inorganic processes leading to dispersion of the contaminants, but also the affection of the presence of the pollutants to biota growing or living on such contaminated substrates. The team will also collaborate with the BRGM team in the characterisation of the biological processes involved in the mobilization and transport of metalloids, as well as in the assessment of biological health of soils affected by the presence of the studied contaminants.


The team leader at IGeA-UCLM is Pablo Leon Higueras.